App y Software para Restaurantes

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Obtenga informes y gráficos estadísticos de tus ventas en nuestro sistema web.

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App para pedidos

Crea un menú con QR y déjalo al alcance de tus comensales para que realicen el pedido rápidamente.

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Urpi Food te ofrece las herramientas para aumentar los ingresos y optimizar la actividad.

Se adapta a cualquier dispositivo

urpi multidispositivo

Urpi Food

Sistema integrado para el control de restaurantes que te ayudará a gestionar y hacer crecer tu negocio, brindando agilidad para tu operación y entregando un servicio de calidad para tus clientes.

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urpi food app
urpi food app
urpi food app
urpi food app
urpi food app
urpi food app
urpi food app
urpi food app
urpi food app
urpi food app


Cualidades de Urpi Food que lo convierten en tu mejor opción.

urpi food aplicación

List Building Is Easier Than Ever

It's very easy to start using Tivo. You just need to fill out and submit the Sign Up Form and you will receive access to the app and all of its features in no more than 24h.

  • Create and embed on websites newsletter sign up forms
  • Manage forms and landing pages for your services
  • Add and remove subscribers using the control panel

Campaigns Monitoring Tools

Campaigns monitoring is a feature we've developed since the beginning because it's at the core of Tivo and basically to any marketing activity focused on results.

  • Easily plan campaigns and schedule their starting date
  • Start campaigns and follow their evolution closely
  • Evaluate campaign results and optimize future actions
urpi food aplicación
urpi food aplicación

Diseña tus ambientes

Elabora tus ambientes y administra las mesas y su disponibilidad y obten el panorama general de todas tus sucursales y también reportes por cada uno de tus restaurantes.

  • Mapa de las suscursales
  • Estados de la mesas
  • Administración de sucursales
logo urpi food

Improving Product Strategy

Tivo also automatically collects and receives certain information from your computer or mobile device, including the activities you perform on our Website, the Platforms, and the Applications, the type of hardware and software you are using (for example, your operating system or browser), and information obtained from cookies.

Descarga Urpi Food

Target the right customers for your business with the help of Tivo's patented segmentation technology and deploy efficient marketing campaigns. Keep your customers happy and loyal.

  • Understand customers and meet their requirements
  • Targeted client base with Tivo's efficient technology. Understand customers and meet their requirements
  • Understand customers and meet their requirements. Understand customers and meet their requirements
  • Targeted client base with Tivo's efficient technology
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